Best Practices When Using Chip Seal

Best Practices When Using Chip Seal

Best Practices When Using Chip Seal


It has been established that many places in America, even Fredericksburg TX, chip seal is one of the most commonly used techniques for pavement preservation. Sometimes, it is also called ‘tar and chip,’ and it is an asphalt binder that is sprayed on an already constructed surface, followed instantly by an application of aggregate.

Rolling then takes place, with the aim of sinking the chips (aggregate) on the binder to make it stable on the ground. After the curing, the surface is swept clean using a broom to remove every loose stone. Notwithstanding, there are different approaches to how chip seal is used regarding styles, processes and overall construction.

Common and recommended practices when using chip seals

Basic Approach

Different types of practices are utilized when carrying out a project under chip seal. For instance, the binders used in undertaken a chip seal project can be of different types. The binder to be applied may be hot or cold, as the case may be. Cold binders when applied will consist of modified and unmodified rapid and medium setting emulsions.

On the other hand, if the binders to be applied are hot, they can be a blend of asphalt rubber and crumb rubber, or asphalt cement whose polymer has been modified, as well as, unmodified asphalt cement.

Another approach in using chip seal is that the type of suitable binder needed for the project is selected based on climate, the condition of the pavement in question, aggregate properties, the life span of the desired project, and the overall cost consideration.

For the purpose of preservation, chip seal should only be applied to pavements under fair conditions without structural damages.

In the event that a structural damage has occurred, prevention treatment is no longer feasible. More advanced correction strategy is required. Therefore, the critical factor in the selection and success of chip seals as a preservative technique depends on project selection.

Best approach based on historical principles

Relying more on experience and judgment rather than in engineering perspective in the design and construction of chip seal is paramount to the overall success of the application. The firsthand experience and testimonies of highway agency officials seem to be a decisive factor for majoring and achieving chip seal success. Thus, their experience constitutes “best practices,” and which makes the following consideration crucial.

  • The condition of the weather prior to construction has a significant influence on performance. To promote an excellent binder setting and curing, the weather should be dry or warm. Follow the weather forecast to avoid potential disturbances and possible chip loss.
  • Thoroughly clean existing surfaces and fill up potholes before undertaking any sealing job. Seal up large cracks and level the ruts.
  • Proper aggregate application and binder rates must be selected to complement site conditions. If the existing surface is absorbent, binder rates should be adjustable to suit each taste
  • Traffic control is very paramount to avoid unwanted incidence and disruption of work on the site. Thus, the traffic speed and frequency must be controlled until the binders are firmly set in place.
  • Aggregate to be used must be in good health – clean, well crushed and durable to deliver long lasting tar and chip.
  • Mild sweeping of the chip seal surface in Fredericksburg TX is necessary to remove loose chips without rolling off or dislodging embedded chips. The sweeping process should not start before the binders are set. Otherwise, the covering aggregate would be torn off.

If you want the best pavement services using chip seal in Fredericksburg TX and further inquiry on practices, feel free to Contact us at Cbrookspaving. We are committed to fulfilling every one of your pavement and driveway construction and reconstruction.

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