Are you concerned with how the rainy season is going to affect your asphalt surfaces? Do you worry about proper drainage of your pavement? When you live in a rainy area, you will want to be sure that your yard, surfaces, and property have proper drainage to avoid water problems that can wreak havoc and cause damages. Standing water can shrink and expand, which can cause the pavement to become weaker. Also, when water enters into the sub-layers of your surface, it can compromise the entire structural integrity of your pavement. There are a few things you can do to prevent water from damaging your asphalt during the rainy season.
Cracked pavement is especially vulnerable to water damage, as water can easily seep down into the sublayers of your asphalt that is already cracked. To prevent this from happening, you should perform necessary repairs by patching your pavement anytime you notice cracks or issues. By patching issues when you notice them, you prevent water from being able to penetrate the layers, which protect the structure underneath.
Proper drainage is critical in removing water from the surface itself. Planting a few patches of grass near or in between your paved surfaces can help with water runoff, which promotes better drainage. Also, you will want to consider grading and sloping so that water can drain properly off the sides of your asphalt without pooling and creating larger problems.
When you sealcoat your asphalt surfaces, you add a layer of protection against the elements. Any time you notice any minor issues, cracks, or holes, you will want to patch them up and then cover everything with a single layer of sealcoating. Sealcoating has many advantages, like protecting the surface, providing a sleek and attractive appearance, and prolonging the lifespan of your asphalt. It also encourages water to run off the surface instead of seep inside and destroy the structure.
When you perform routine inspections by walking along the asphalt and looking for issues, you will be able to tend to any issues when you first notice them. Basic maintenance and routine care can truly go a long way to protect your surfaces from water damages. To maintain your pavement, you should keep it clear of litter, pressure washed for cleanliness, and clear of any potholes or large cracks. Not only are these eyesores on your surface, but they also make your pavement more vulnerable to extensive damages.
When you hire professionals in paving and sealcoating in Kerrville, TX, you will not have to worry about the quality of your pavement during times of extreme weather. Contact the experts at C Brooks Paving to hear more about our services today.