Welcome to C Brooks Paving. We're proud to boast that we are one of the leading paving contractors in Central Texas - and for good reasons. We strive to look out for each and every one of our customer's individual needs, bringing top-notch attention to detail, and a quality staff who knows what it takes to get the job done right. You deserve the absolute best paving contractors in Central TX, which is why we're one of the leading local services in this industry.
We offer high quality services like striping, sealcoating and tar and chip installation. Nothing says "successful business" like a freshly chip-sealed parking lot. With other paving and chip seal contractors in Central Texas, you might not get the finished product you had hoped for. Everybody wants to feel good about the job they just paid for, but most importantly, they want to save money. A paving service in Central TX can cost a lot of money, so we aim to be affordable to all of our clients offering a cheaper alternative to asphalt, and provides a more solid surface than ordinary gravel. Tar and chip is made for the long run. You can expect the surface to last about 7 to 10 years, saving you loads of money in maintenance. Just remember to have another layer of chip put down and you're good to go for about another decade! As far as paving contractors in Central TX, we're as good as it gets!